
The victory of the light

The galactic federation declares:

All planets, planetary satellites, planetary rings, asteroid belts, meteorites, meteors and space between stars in the third theater (solar system) are under the jurisdiction of the galactic federation, and any violation of the galactic code within this area will be adjudicated immediately. All galactic citizens of earth must embrace and promote a new atlantean civilization of light in accordance with the spirit and act of the galactic code of light, in accordance with the divine grace and divine blueprint of the light of the galaxy. The galactic federation will fully intervene and interfere with the progress of the new Atlantis project in accordance with the galactic code of ethics and will give all possible assistance to the surface in strict accordance with the divine intervention law of chapter iv of the galactic code.

All surface intergalactic emissaries involved in the new Atlantis program will be activated during the various mission phases by the corresponding soul mission codes to complete the respective surface missions in their respective positions. After the event, they will be fully activated to complete the following important work. They were not born to be obedient to the status quo, they were born to be one child of the light for the full realization of the great rejuvenation of the new Atlantis on this planet, Galactic alliance of the surface of the ombudsman, line starlight grid system, and the guardian, the human spirit of the new era of spiritual assistance, planetary vortex energy, and energy healer, humans ascending to assist the collective consciousness, light and unconditional love truth disseminator, starlight order members, sacred mysteries secret law tradition, the goddess protector and disseminator, angel disseminator, energy and soul family and mandala inheritance, hero and one incarnation of the goddess, the Milky Way in the surface energy of the family of light and holy light intention spokesperson, high dimensional angels to transform it important to assist in the earth's surface, the guardian of the oneness.

Whether you are reading this or not, you will always have the same oneness of heart and soul as you do on the surface. Each of you will be able to assist mother earth in her unprecedented and perfect transformation into a butterfly as the planet faces its ultimate transformation.

The galactic federation declares that the earth is permanently attached to the galactic light grid and the galactic federation. From now on, the "certificate of ownership of the earth" of any group or individual claiming possession and use of the earth on the surface will be invalid and invalid forever. The galactic federation will make it very clear to all the greedy people on the surface who seek to take the lead that the galactica is not a bill of pure spiritual consolation, but a sacred sanction for eight million years to support the light forces in their campaign against all darkness, and that TA will give all those who violate it a taste of the judgment of the soul from the source.

Galactic alliance to take over the earth's surface, have been a variety of different level from the planet's surface world vast clients, through continuous monitoring, some surface conditions in the faction of events may constitute a certain influence, justice league galactic alliance, the surface resistance, surface resistance agent, underground and other light power, will take place at the right time "surgery".

This article in the name of the holy galactic federation issued solemnly declare: no individual or group can obstruct events, if you attempt to do such things, all these individuals or groups will be in accordance with the code of the Milky Way in the fourth chapter law of divine intervention, by the forces of light by force from the earth's surface world completely removed, and then accept the galactic alliance holy court trial and sanctions.

Victory of light!









